"Whitherward shall I go for the coming jab of perfidious Covidity?"
That's the cry (OK, maybe not exactly...) from a million opinionated lips as we get closer to sticking the first RNA-filled needles into billions of human arms. Of course, we've been here before. But I thought I'd get my thoughts off my chest with this Skeptic's ode to anti-vaxxer divinations. I can then avoid the distracting noise of these and other Covidiots sailing towards the edge of their Flatworld on this latest gift from their waxing gods. I have a novel to finish, after all.
Comment all you like, but please keep it polite.
“Truly, Madly, Deeply”
When sickness knocks should I compare thee to an ignorant fool, as you detail the latest obstruction to your life-stream’s conceit? Do the mocking falsehoods you choose to read become an armoured tool, for smiting those who use evidence, their facts slain at your feet? Millennia of endeavours by countless sages and scientists have built a worthy edifice, just a search away for taking. Multitudes of proofs at which you shake your tiny, tweeting fists. Sanctimonious smiles in cosy echo-chambers: “of course they're faking.” So, take your infinite dilutions, your multi-vits and your latest ‘cure-all’ CBD. Your quackery and pseudoscientific piety, clutched with fervent, religious belief. Your healing stones and quantum crystals, guaranteed radical free, whilst ignoring every doctors’ word, them bound to mere evidence-based relief. Now when pesky Skeptics come knocking, to vainly argue notions of what’s true, at least you’re proving Darwin right, with your empirically deadly anti-vaccine woo.
Hmm, you said one should feel free to comment, but keep it polite. Ok. Well, ironically enough I've been writing/preparing a post about those jabs in particular and immune biochemistry and the immune-evasion of coronaviruses, so I'll let the science do the talking. One of the interesting things about coronavirus is that it's evolved around a dozen or so of its 30 proteins each of which suppresses a pathway of the human immune response. So even if you *might* develop a S-protein-specific B-cell antibody, you are still left with the problem of the other 29 proteins in the coronavirus, half of which will evade the immune response for around ten days. This is why we have 'asymptomatic transmission', and it's why the mRNA jabs did nothing to prevent transmission or people getting sick. Of course they couldn't tell people that in November 2020, despite that it should've been obvious to anyone who understood the mechanism of action.
It's interesting looking at the date of this post of yours, though, which if I remember correctly was about a month before they started injecting people, helped along by a/ scaring people shitless about a virus with a virtually zero chance of killing anyone with a healthy immune system (a lower number than should be the case in a civilised democracy due to the imposition of chronic psychological stress, pollution and so on - i.e. the nocebo effect) and b/ the tantalising promise of releasing them from the lockdown prison they imposed on everyone.
I think one problem of course with overworked GPs is that they simply don't have the time to read up on the latest research papers, and probably wouldn't understand half of them anyway. Fortunately for me I've had to understand it because it's been my job (medical translation) until AI decided to take my livelihood away. So I do understand the mechanism of action of the jabs.
With regards to MMR, by the way, there is a lot of evidence about the pharma industry covering up the autism link. But it's not so much the 'vaccine' part of those childhood jabs, but the adjuvants. In the case of MMR it was mercury, which has a proven brain damaging effect. Same as fluoride in drinking water. I believe they have since quietly changed the adjuvant, and it's no longer mercury. It's still unnecessary though. If you introduce a foreign pathogen into a body it will trigger an immune response - you don't need something extra to do the triggering.
Having said all that, the massive increase in autism and allergies and other chronic health problems is probably due to a constellation of obvious factors, like pollution, pesticides, poor nutrition, poverty, and stress. Allopathic medicines are probably a factor, but not the most significant one. We certainly didn't have this problem when I was a child in the 70s/early 80s. For me, that list of stuff is the most important of environmental issues, a lot of which has been eclipsed by the global warming thing.