Free Serial: Eat it while hot...
...or perish on the Paywall of Necessity. It's not as if a complementary subscription could ever be your saviour...
Have you heard? Did you see? Do you know?
Hi there.
This newsletter is written in a more urgent tone than my usual missives. It’s more imperative, more demanding, more – I can barely type the word – commercial. This isn’t my normal attitude or voice. But I have something to sell, even if I doubt my ability to sell water to a farmer stood in a parched field. Even water for free. Because that’s what I’m giving away here: Free words. For a year. Tens of thousands of them. But so far few of you seem interested. So I’m anxious and concerned, and my writing to you now will reflect this:
You might have missed my news from a few weeks ago regarding my debut serial launch, or just plain forgotten to sign up amongst a hundred other tasks. You may have struggled to know how or where to go; or you might not be interested in any longer pieces of writing. All four reasons are completely valid; the first three I can certainly help with; the last I can only tempt you to reconsider. Because this is the most difficult, the greatest and most accomplished task I’ve ever completed. Because I need to inject a degree of urgency into your actions and decision-making.
That’s what I’m giving away here:
Free words. For a year. Tens of thousands of them.
My debut serialised novel, INGRESSION, is available on a dedicated site, a separate publication I’ve called ‘The Consilience Series’. As the first novel in the series, the first 11 chapters of Act I (plus an award-winning prologue) are already out in the world, with this Act’s final chapter being released on 17th October.
Act I will remain freely available for the world to read. But every subsequent chapter from Act II onwards will be archived behind a paywall 3 days after being published. This means, unless you keep bang up-to-date with reading every chapter, you’ll need to pay to play catch-up….
UNLESS – and please excuse my beseeching tone – you take advantage of my exclusive offer to you as a loyal
subscriber:Sign up to The Consilience Series by October 18th and you’ll be given a complementary subscription to the entire INGRESSION serial. This means:
You’ll receive chapters hot off the press twice a week for another 10 months.
You’ll have access to all previous chapters, archived or not.
You’ll be able to read the 120k word novel, spread across 100 chapters, any time or way you like. Chapter by chapter, act by act, or binge the whole novel over a weekend (once it’s concluded).
Best of all, you’ll be able to do all of this without paying a penny or making any commitment whatsoever.
There might be a surprise gift at the end of the series.
All you have to do is type your email address into the small ‘Subscribe’ box on this page. All your email will be used for is sending a novel’s worth of writing similar to what you’ve already enjoyed for days, months or years. Or else why would you still be here?
You only have 10 more days to subscribe and take up this offer. Any delay after 18th October risks missing out on key chapters and having to fork out your hard-earned money.
I hope all of this is clear. I hope you decide to subscribe. I hope you enjoy my writing. That alone is worth its weight in gold to me.
Until next time…
Why are you still here? Haven’t you got something better to do?

It's definitely worth it... And you'll make Johnathan happy. Which he deserves to be.