Excellently done, Sir. Excellently done. I love mischievous experiments like that.
I read something the other day about the debilitating costs of 'branded school uniforms', which is especially a problem for the 1 in 3 children in poverty in Britain. Apparently, according to the article, Aldi are doing an unbranded uniform for 5 quid, but some schools insist on the branded ones.
On the other paw, we have the likes of corporate manufactured manipulators like 'Taylor Swift' charging silly money for 'limited edition' stuff, knowing full well that these brainwashed Swifties will 'just have to buy it'. Then there's her gig tickets - I wouldn't be surprised if all her manufacturing/production team buy up (or just get given) all the tickets a few minutes before they officially go on sale, and then they sell them at ridiculously inflated prices, thus making a killing. We're talking a four figure number per ticket here - again, how do the 1 in 3 children afford that? And then explain their 'have not' status to their 'have' friends. Has Taylor Swift ever said anything about poverty? Of course not. Silly, really, because if more people had more money she'd sell even more records (not that she can sing or write a damn thing. They probably put her voice through a mountain of effects and get AI to write the songs).
Such is the legacy of Thatcher. Pure evil.
In t'other world, Thatcher will be forever known as 'the bitch of Broadmoor'.
Dystopia is already here! And your experiment and brilliantly written little sketch amply demonstrates that.
Social experiments sound fun!
Maybe... No pliers or scalpels for us, at least (I assume...).
But you know everyone is already permanently in one, yes? 🤔
Excellently done, Sir. Excellently done. I love mischievous experiments like that.
I read something the other day about the debilitating costs of 'branded school uniforms', which is especially a problem for the 1 in 3 children in poverty in Britain. Apparently, according to the article, Aldi are doing an unbranded uniform for 5 quid, but some schools insist on the branded ones.
On the other paw, we have the likes of corporate manufactured manipulators like 'Taylor Swift' charging silly money for 'limited edition' stuff, knowing full well that these brainwashed Swifties will 'just have to buy it'. Then there's her gig tickets - I wouldn't be surprised if all her manufacturing/production team buy up (or just get given) all the tickets a few minutes before they officially go on sale, and then they sell them at ridiculously inflated prices, thus making a killing. We're talking a four figure number per ticket here - again, how do the 1 in 3 children afford that? And then explain their 'have not' status to their 'have' friends. Has Taylor Swift ever said anything about poverty? Of course not. Silly, really, because if more people had more money she'd sell even more records (not that she can sing or write a damn thing. They probably put her voice through a mountain of effects and get AI to write the songs).
Such is the legacy of Thatcher. Pure evil.
In t'other world, Thatcher will be forever known as 'the bitch of Broadmoor'.
Dystopia is already here! And your experiment and brilliantly written little sketch amply demonstrates that.