Jun 20Liked by Johnathan Reid

Okay, so you mean business with cetaceans. :-) Don't be too hard on me over the next week and a half.

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Indeed and I won't. They also mean business with us. Take Douglas Adams' #h2g2 advice: Don't mess with the dolphins... 😧

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Mar 9Liked by Johnathan Reid

Enjoyed your piece on Words for the Wild immensely, Johnathan.

And thank you for introducing me to prose-poetry, which I didn't know existed, but now realize is a part of my own repertoire. Happy singing.

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I'm so pleased you enjoyed it and now have a labeled space on your own writing shelf for this form of writing. May your repertoire grow commensurately! I wrestle with poetic urges when long-form writing – 'Don't overcook the alliteration!' my inner muse often shouts. I also think it's valuable for writers to pretend to be something or someone else, no matter the degree of lived experience. Without authors being permitted such latitude, where would their fiction end up? No doubt on a shelf labelled unbearably dull...

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Mar 9Liked by Johnathan Reid

By pretending to be someone else, do you mean EMPATHIZING? Because YES, everyone needs to do that, enthusiastically and often, whether they write fiction or not. But particularly if they write fiction. The good kind anyway. 😁🙂

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Author

Good question. I guess I mean both empathising and actually writing from the first person perspective of another, very different person (or animal, alien etc) to myself.

As an example of the former, I've written these observations about women: https://reiditwrite.substack.com/p/a-womans-world

For the latter, I've written a 120k MS from the perspective of a young woman - now on query. Other recent examples are competition entries - so I guess will be revealed one way or another later this year. But here's a trite poem from a similar perspective : https://reiditwrite.substack.com/p/mirror-mirror-2-selfie-girl

Finally, I liked this gentle take on the topic: https://awritersdiary.substack.com/p/on-men-writing-women?r=wtpo&selection=633d5f2f-b3a5-4224-a9d5-f47085114feb

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