Recommended by Johnathan Reid
INGRESSION is the first speculative fiction story in The Consilience Series. Chapters published twice weekly. Dystopian / Post-Apocalyptic / Cli-Fi / First Contact.
My debut Substack serial, INGRESSION, is an adult speculative fiction novel. It fuses dystopian, first contact and climate fiction themes, with a hint of swords and eagles fantasy. If you're into a near-future setting, character-driven plot and a strong, contemporary woman protagonist, then this might be for you.
Cybermonk sci-fi about Quibble, a heretic in a transhuman theocracy. Essays about the Singularity and writing fiction.
Weaves speculative fiction using a variety of prose and poetic forms to combine old mysteries with new revelations and both science fact & fiction with fantasy. Talented world-building and deft word-wielding at its finest.
Essays about literature, politics, culture and writing delivered 1-3 times per week. Beware: I belong to no tribe. I think for myself so you don't have to. You may disagree with me, but you'll respect me.
Michael Mohr draws on his personal and professional experiences to tackle difficult topics with honesty, integrity and intelligence.